Thursday, December 6, 2012

Animal abuse

ok. SO i have not posted anything in a long time..and im sorry!
ok so today im writing about animal abuse...i hate it soooo much! i read many stories and the just break my heart! I read many stories about dogs and cats being burned ALIVE! i mean! who does that?!? only sick, heartless people do that! Some people use dogs as shark bait! i saw pics of them and i mean it..i cried! this is just so heartless of them!  i heard some people LIKE killing animals! WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?!? HUH!! omg..i just so overwhelmed...
today i read the story of Titus the dog...if you guys have not read it..go to this site and read it..its heart breaking i tell you...just heartbreaking

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

i get upset when i see litter on the ground and you should to!

i get mad when i see trash anywhere on the streets or grass! i just hate people who litter because we only have one earth and there are no second chances with this....people have to take care of the earth now or never! i also get mad when people don't clean up after their pets because 1. it just gross to see dog scat every where and 2. it contaminates the water we drink...maybe not now but when it rains it gets brought into the stream and contaminates it! Am i right or what?

Monday, June 18, 2012

why NOT to litter!

Watershed project 2

Another problem we found that the level of nitrates was too high.  This is caused by a dramatic change in the plants and animals living in the stream.  Nitrates can be found because people put trash in the water and people putting pesticides and fertilizers on their lawns in excessive amounts and before a rainstorm.  Animal waste can also cause the nitrate level to rise.  So please help!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Four Mile Run Stream

Four Mile Run stream is in Arlington VA.  Four Mile Run stream is very VERY contaminated.It is mostly contaminated with fecal coliform bacteria also known as POOP.  The fecal coliform is mostly from your pet waste and other animal waste.   BUT there is a way to stop the contamination of fecal coliform and it starts by you. First thing you can do is pick after your pets business and pick ALL of it up. Also do not put fertilizers before it rains because all the fertilizer goes into the four mile run stream. All the fertilizer damages the river water. And the last thing is to not litter. Littering is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD! it makes the water you drink and the water the animals drink and live in dirty. So DON'T LITTER!!!!! Thanks!